Big K


Publisher: Mogul
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #7


Who loves money? Altogether now, "We do!" and Murphy in the best traditions of the human race in general, does too.

The setting is a deserted mine - not such an uncommon sight in these troubled times: the objective, get rich. Murphy potters sedately around the mine, which fills three screens, picking up bags of cash and defending himself from robbers, gently but persuasively, by burying pickaxes in their chests.

I like this: a simple idea and maybe not as original as some, but fun just the same. As I said, the idea is to run Murphy around the maze, which is basically an arrangement of slopes and ladders, picking up bags of money. The robbers are remarkably resilient, shrugging off the effects of major surgery a-la-pickaxe after only a few seconds, but you can also keep them occupied for a while by braining them with the money bags. On top of all this there are the runaway carts. Although these pack a pretty mean wallop, if your timing is right, you can grab hold of the tunnel's cross members and drop into one as it passes under you.

Once that lot's sorted out it's down to the game proper. The bags have to be picked up one at a time and dropped in the wheelbarrow at the top of the screen for full points. One of the bags is well and truly locked up. If anyone wants to know how to get it, cash only please to...