You must guide Mr. Wiz about a garden collecting or eating
cherries as you go. Small blue nasties called gremlins try to
corner him. Scattered about the garden are apples, which can be
undermined so that they fall on the gremlins. You gain extra
points by eating the mushroom where the gremlins live, but this
angers them and makes them nastier.
Clear the screen and it's on to the next. By now you will
have realised that this is a cover version of a well-known arcade
game, and as such it's a fair copy.
Design is slick with colourful graphics and smooth animation.
The background music is a rather thin version of the overture
from Orpheus in the underworld, and becomes rather tedious.
The pace is perhaps a little too fast, with rather mean nasties.
I feel the less able players might find it too daunting. I found it
boring after a while, but I'm sure real arcade fans will love it. The
main weakness is its lack of originality and variety.