From time to time a real gem of a program emerges from the mass of software on sale, and this is one. In spite of its name, Moons of Jupiter is an excellent version of the old favourite Asteroids.
To the uninitiated, the idea of the game is to pilot a smaU space ship in the middle of a swarm of asteroids. Using the ship's cannon, you must destroy the asteroids and survive.
As you shoot the asteroids, they break up into smaller, faster moving, rocks. When you have cleared the screen of aU debris, you get a new screen full to shoot at.
The ship's controls enable you to rotate the ship to the left and right and to move forwards. Your score simply depends on how many asteroids you destroy.
In Moons Of Jupiter, the asteroids are beautifuUy drawn "moons" which move smoothly across a screen which is larger than that on the normal Vic. All animation is superb, without the faintest trace of jerkiness.
The ship moves very realistically with just a touch of inertia to make life difficult, and can be controlled from the keyboard or by a joystick, an option which more software authors should use.
The game offers three levels of difficulty and is very challenging. Occasionally nasty little objects caUed Gologs appear on the screen. You can destroy them, but I won't tell you how.
Overall, a superb game which any Asteroids addict should obtain without delay.