Computer Gamer

Moonlight Madness

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Computer Gamer #20

Moonlight Madness

Out one day touting for business for your local scout group's Bob-a-Job week, you find yourself wandering down a garden path towards a huge mansion. Your knock on the door is answered by a little old man who is somewhat surprised to see you and starts to mumble something about booby traps in the grounds. The shock soon becomes too much for the old man and he falls to the floor gasping and clutching his chest. He asks you to get his pills which are locked in his safe and which in turn need sixteen keys to open. Breaking the unwritten rule of the scouts (always make sure there is someone watching when you do your good deed for the day) you offer your assistance.

The game is written by the author of one of the best selling budget games of all time - Booty - and it shows. There are doors to be accessed, monsters to be avoided and keys to be collected. Travelling across a room is not particularly straightforward as you would expect from a mansion designed by a mad professor. Lifts need to be activated by pressing buttons that lie strategically placed along his way. Not all buttons activate lifts, though. Instead, they may add crucial extra bits to the existing masonry or energise some previously dormant nasty. You have three lives at your disposal in your quest for the keys and conflict with the creatures or falling excessive distances are the best way of reducing this number.

Had it been released on a budget label, Moonlight Madness would have been fair value for money. As it is, it is grossly overpriced and there are many better ways of lightening the load in your piggy bank.

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