At first sight it appears that you might be getting a bargain: four
programs on one tape. But closer inspection proves differently.
The first program is a so-called word processor. It comes nowhere
near the genuine article. Words are not processed, merely stored, in a
choice of two fonts.
The second program is the best on this tape, and probably the most
useful. It is a database for storing records or files, and the example
given is a personal address book. This has fields for forename,
surname, address, phone number and age, and the complete records can be
ordered by any field. For instance, ages could be used and stored into
ascending order. Sorting and searching are very fast and the number of
records is limited. The third program is called Spreadsheet, and it is
suggested that you might use it for your household accounts. Most
householders find a small notebook quite adequate. Last, and certainly
least, is a program used to draw graphs in conjunction with the previous