A welcome change from space wars, Mined Out requires more
brain than brawn and one false move can lead to disaster. You
are situated at the start of a minefield over which you must
carefully pick your way to reach the next level. The snag is that
you cannot see the mines and you only have one chance. All is not
lost, however, since you know if one, two or three mines lie next
to you and by getting the old grey matter working, it is possible to
find a safe path.
As you progress, various complications arise but ultimate
success is achieved when you reach level 8 and are permitted to
rescue the famous star Bill the Worm. A neat reply facility is
included for all us failures.
A clever game, simple to pick up, but requiring skill to master.
For more thoughtful players, it should provide some hours of
My only quibbles are that only a fast-load version is available
and the inlay card, although amusing, did not describe the
game very accurately.