
Mind Games 1

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Enigma Variations
Machine: Sam Coupe

Published in Crash #82

Mind Games 1

Four games that will test your brain rather than your trigger finger; In Nuclear Waste you try to save Earth by disposing of dangerous cannisters of waste in a giant spaceship. The objective is to launch the ship before the cannisters become volatile. A series of conveyor belts are set up for the cannisters to travel along and all you have to do is switch on the correct lift to move them up.

The game only becomes challenging on the later levels when the conveyors speed up and more cannisters arrive. The simplistic graphics definitely don't do the Coupe justice, and Nuclear Waste soon gets tiresome.

Graphics are even worse than Nuclear Waste in Magic Caves. Playing the part of a ball (!) you roll around each level using the sliding platforms and lifts to collect a potion. Keys open doors and reveal secret passages. Magic Caves looks very similar to a game I once wrote in Spectrum Basic! It took me half an hour and I didn't bother saving it. There's nothing here to make you want to come back for more.

The best of the lot is Blokade. It's well programmed and simple to tackle. Played against the clock, you have to change all the blocks on screen to the target colour by sliding the panels. When a block is surrounded with the correct colour you can change it and go on to the next. Playing Blokade soon puts a great strain on your eyes and the monotonous gameplay will only keep you going for a few games.

Bombed Out is graphically similar to Blokade with its neatly-drawn sliding platforms and a timer to beat. You have to collect all the bonus flags and get to a bomb before it explodes. The playing area has skulls to avoid (they're deadly) and watch out for disappearing blocks!

Mind Games 1 is a collection of below average games that look cheap when you can see what the Sam Coupe can really do. The better ones are Blokade and Bombed Out, but even these leave a lot to be desired...


I'd hoped one of the four games wold be mildly playable, but no, they're all dull. Graphics on each are very simplistic, albeit colourful. Even at a budget price I would consider them all poor value for money.