The Secondary Science program Microtechnology, from
BBCsoft is a package of learning modules in electronics and
digital logic. Supplied on cassette with detailed instructions for
transferring on to disc, it is accompanied by a clear and
concise manual.
The first two sections deal with Boolean logic as applied to
binary numbers and gates in digital circuits.
In each case there are increasing levels of difficulty,
achieved by adding further types of gates.
The second module tests the application of Ohm's or
KichnofFs laws to an array of three resistors. As the calcu
lations are sometimes difficult, a scratchpad is provided where
you can make simple calculations in immediate mode.
Various types of flip-flop are simulated in the third program.
You select the type of flip-flop and then apply the various
inputs and the computer displays the effect of these inputs
upon the outputs.
The final simulation is that of an electronic servo mechanism.
In the same way as the flip-flops, you alter the various parameters
while the program simulates the resultant effects on the circuit.
The final and best part of the package is a suite of programs
called Circuit that allow you to design and display circuit
The main part presents you with a grid on which you can
draw a circuit diagram using the cursor keys.
Other keys enable the cursor keys to draw, move without
drawing and erase. The diagrams can also be labelled.
In order to assist there are available 40 shapes - resistors,
capacitors, ICs, transistors and so on - called by the function
keys alone or with Shift, Ctrl or Shift+Ctrl.
The print routine - a sample output is shown — supports
Epson FX80 printers, and I have found it to work happily with
RX and LX80 machines.
The shapes can be altered by editing existing shapes, creating
shapes from scratch and by using the tiny characters from
which the shapes are made.
The last facility available from Microtechnology is the
diagram display utility which allows you to present a slideshow
of diagrams, with each diagram in the sequence - up to
30 - selected by function keys. This facility would be useful in a
teaching environment.
In summary, Microtechnology is a versatile package which
should prove useful for O and A level teaching. The circuit editing
component is particularly good, although the version 1 had still
contained some small bugs. It does not appear to support
joysticks or mouse.