ZX Computing

Microsoftware Magazine

Author: Mike Edmunds
Publisher: Infinite
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in ZX Computing #13

Microsoftware Magazine

You may well ask yourself, why is a magazine reviewing someone else's magazine? No, they haven't got anything to do with Argus Specialist Publications! Microsoftware magazine comes in cassette form and really is not in direct competition with the printed mags so, as we are nice kind people, we decided to review it.

The tape is made for the 16K and 48K Spectrum and there's something in it for everyone. I must admit I do tend to be critical when reviewing but will give credit where credit is due. I found this magazine informative, interesting, fun, educational, graphically exciting and very well formatted. Everything that appears on screen can be run out on your printer and if you are rich and own a Currah speech chip, it will talk to you as well.

The magazine contains such things as games, utility programs, competitions, readers' letters and amazing things that you could do with your Spectrum (in the best possible taste!) In Issue 5 there is the start of a 'basic' training course for the newcomer to computing, and a "Machine Code Corner" for the more experienced amongst us.

It is very well written and an enormous amount of energy is put into each user-friendly magazine. As £2.99 it's reasonably priced.

Mike Edmunds