Acorn User

Manic Miner

Author: Stuart Menges
Publisher: Software Projects
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Acorn User #034

Going underground

One of the best-known Spectrum games, Manic Miner, is now available for the BBC Micro. The idea is to guide Willy the miner around a series of screens, collecting a set of objects, before his air-supply runs out. Once all the objects have been picked up, the exit begins to flash, and our hero moves onto the next screen. Usually, you pick up keys, but coins, bananas, etc are also found on some levels.

Once the game is loaded, a security code must be entered from a large number of combinations. If you wait, a demo runs, so you can see each screen in turn.

Controlling the character is simple, there are only three keys to worry about - Z and X move you, and you use Return to jump.

As far as sound goes, there is an annoying tune, playing all the time, but the other sound effects are acceptable. Fortunately, Q will kill the tune but not the rest of the sound. Graphics are better, but not outstanding, and the movement is smooth. Some of the animation on later levels is very good - spinning triangles, mutant telephones, and, perhaps best of all, a bouncing cheque!

Each screen is well presented and designed, and has its own obstacles to overcome. The key to success is forward vision and precise timing. Manic Miner is already established on the best-sellers list for the Beeb. At £8.95, it's on the expensive side but not too much above the inflated average.

Stuart Menges

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