Magnetic Moon

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Electron Adventure Club
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Computer & Video Games #70

Magnetic Moon

You are Mike Erlin, 2nd Lieutenant of the United Planets Survey Service spaceship, Stellar Queen. While in the Pleiades cluster, you lose contact with our sister ship, Stellar Princess. Your captain takes Queen to the last reported position of Princess, near an earth-like planet with three moons.

As you approach, the Queen gets drawn into the largest of the moons, bigger than that of the Earth's moon, by a powerful tractor beam. Averting a near-certain crash, Queen lands on the moon and discovers the beam was emanating from an underground alien installation nearby. You avoid the official investigating part, and decide to deal with the aliens yourself...

Written with The Quill, and inspired by the story Sargasso of Space by Andre Norton, your first task is to get off the ship unobserved, in this three-parter.

Text only, with rather sparse location descriptions, there are a number of timed messages that have to be read quickly, or are lost forever.

Originally offered to members of the Elk Adventure Club on subscription, Magnetic Moon is available by mail order only.

Other Reviews Of Magnetic Moon For The Acorn Electron

Magnetic Moon
A review by Pendragon (Electron User)