Gumboot Software

Mad Menagerie

Categories: Review: Software
Author: D. M. McCleery
Publisher: Algray
Machine: Colour Genie

Published in Chewing Gum 8407

Mad Menagerie is a three stage arcade-style game. On stage one you must build a ramp over the wall. To do this, you must collect rocks from the hut on the left of the screen and walk to the wall on the right of the screen where you build the ramp.

A bird is flying overhead. Sometimes it dives. If it hits you, then you lose a life. It it can, it will lift one of the rocks from your wall which is under construction and drop it somewhere else. This stage is quite easy to master.

The second stage is very hard. The screen is scrolling from right to left and you have to jump over fire-breathing dragons, electric fences and pools of acid. You must also avoid the rat. This job is very hard indeed. Unfortunately, the obstacles are placed in the same position every game. I have have preferred this stage if they had been placed randomly.

On stage three, you must kick over the serum. This sounds easy until you realise that you must avoid robots (which have been programmed to follow you), carrot tails and a mechanical chomper. Again, this stage is quite hard. Once you have kicked over all the serum, the serum are replaced and stage three starts again. It would have been an improvement if stage one had started again with an increase in difficulty.

Overall, Mad Menagerie is a good, enjoyable game.

D. M. McCleery