Yet another bunch of aliens for you to blast out of existence in
this very well written arcade game.
This time, you are stuck on an alien planet in a crawler that has
lost part of its power. All you can do is spin round and fire
your cannon at the little crabs who have the disgusting habit of
galloping up and spitting acid balls at you.
Each crab can kill with your photon cannon counts for 10
points and there is a bonus after each 15 you get.
The graphics really are excellent and the whole program responds
extremely quickly to the keyboard. The crabs are rather Earthlike and
don't look at all menacing but they still kill.
I did feel, though, that there could have been a bit more in the
game to generate more interest. Perhaps a giant turtle which requires a
lot more direct hits to kill could be added.
The only other problem that I found was that the game starts running
without a pause on loading, so you can lose a couple of lives while you
are sorting out your tape recorder.
It is a great pity that, with so many programs, when you have been
killed off the computer asks you to press a key for another go, but
not to end the game.