Listfile is a utility data filing program offering storage of
about 50 records with 16K RAM, or 600 with 48K. Its most
attractive feature is a machine code search routine which can
locate records very quickly. But beyond that, there is little to
recommend the program.
Despite misleading load instructions, the program loaded
every time with LOAD"". Also misleading is the terminology
used; records are called "blocks" and fields "lines".
The program is inflexible; each block has a fixed number of
eight lines. There is no way of labelling lines, nor are they
numbered, so it's easy to enter data in the wrong order.
There is an extra line called "infoline" which will appear on
the screen, but not on the printer when a hard copy is requested.
Each line has a maximum of 26 characters. Enter more, and the
line is rejected, and the screen display disrupted!
Blocks can be added or deleted, but not edited. So if
you make a mistake on entry, or wish to modify later, the block
has to be deleted and re-entered. While the search option is fast,
it only operates on certain lines.
The 16K and 48K versions differ slightly. Both are provided on
the same cassette. Files from one version cannot readily
be transferred to the other.
The machine code 'search' adds a little sparkle to an otherwise
mediocre filing program.