The One

Liberator: Disk 2199

Categories: Review: Software

Published in The One #50


Yes, it's spot the clone time. Liberator is a vertically-scrolling shoot-'em-up along the lines of SWIV, i.e. fly through a gradually varying landscape, zapping the bad guys. Or, at least, trying to zap the bad guys. Your ship Seems to have been armed with the 21st Century equivalent of a air-pellet rifle, because to destroy even a single alien takes about fifty shots. Forget trying to destroy a wave of 'em - you've barely got the time to destroy one before they zip away off-screen.

And to cap it all off the aliens have a nasty habit of not firing off a shot until they're right up close and you haven't got a hope in Hell of avoiding it. Nasty.

Now I don't know about you, but my idea of action-packed fun is not cowering in the corner of the screen, watching as the not-very-well drawn scenery slowly scrolls by below. And sadly, this is what playing Liberator boils down to.