This text is part of a general series of Learning To Use... books which puts the emphasis on the beginner using the computer in work or leisure, rather than becoming a computer theorist.
Beginning the book is a chapter introducing the Spectrum, followed by a section on using the ZX Spectrum. This last chapter tells you in very simple and easy-to-follow instructions, how to begin your computing career on the machine. At the end of the chapter, some self-test questions are included for the reader to assimilate how much experience has been gained.
Chapter three introduces the reader to some elementary programming skills, with details on how to save programs on cassette and how to use the ZX Printer. Again, self-test questions are provided to help readers gauge their success.
The fourth chapter tackles the subject of graphics, concentrating on the screen and memory, patterns and the use of colour, movement and animation, user definable graphics and sound. Examples are included allowing the reader to illustrate the techniques with some practical programming.
Chapter five includes some of the special features of the ZX Spectrum with particular reference to the internal clock, special locations and how to examine them, and the user port. Three appendices are provided, covering further reading, the differences between ZX81 and ZX Spectrum BASIC, and a glossary.
Learning To Use The ZX Spectrum, written by Robin Bradbeer, is published by Gower Publishing Company Ltd. The book has 76 pages and is priced at £4.95. ISBN 0 566 03481 6