Big K

Laser Reflex

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Talent
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Big K #9

Laser Reflex

Bog standard alien cruncher with the novel twist that instead of firing directly at them - as would any sane and normal person - you fire sideways and bounce your shots off a mirror to screen right. Seems whoever designed this defence system was off his marbles.

The plotline runs something like this: you're on a planet - base of screen - a lot of aliens descend from the skies above and you either pick them off the sideways special or they crash into the planet surface and wipe out a chunk of the vaguely hi-tech buildings built on it. If too many chunks get torn off, you lose a life.

There's not much to be said about this except that if you leave it by itself the aliens continue to crash into buildings for about half an hour before the proceedings finally grind to a halt through lack of lives. As far as playing the game goes, intense boredom sets in within five minutes; after about ten the eyes start to glaze over and before half an hour has passed a comatose state is induced that makes an overdose of sleeping tablets look like an afternoon nap. Try counting sheep, it's cheaper and more entertaining.

Other Reviews Of Laser Reflex For The BBC Model B

Laser Reflex (Talent)
A review by SH (Personal Computer Games)