Your Sinclair

Las Vegas Casino

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Zeppelin Games
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #39

Las Vegas Casino

One of the great old stand-bys in budget land is the gambling game. If it's not a fruit machine - which it usually is - it's a poker game, or in this case a Casino sim. Full marks, incidentally, to Zeppelin for not using the word 'Simulator' anywhere in the title of this game - the temptation must have been great.

Overall this is not a bad little casino game - you ghet to play craps, baccarat (Yes Sir, I can Boogie), roulette and my personal fave, black jack. None of the four is presented particularly impressively, but they're all playable enough if you like that sort of thing, and I do, from time to time. Neat, unassuming and in many ways what budget games are all about, Brian. but why is it £2.99 instead of £1.99?

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