It's difficult to find anything good to say about this language tutor. The
program allows the entry of English words with foreign language equivalents,
from the keyboard or cassette, subsequently testing the user.
Two sheets of instructions, aimed at both Atom and BBC users, give only a
general description of the program. However, the cassette insert confidently
states: "Rainbow software is designed to be... robust in usage." It's a pity
this program wasn't.
After considerable effort, the program eventually loaded,
with an immediate request to enter a language. The
main menu was then displayed, but my easlier entry
of "Portuguese" made a couple of lines too wide for
the screen, resulting in a messy display - sloppy
I then selected option 2 to enter words from the
keyboard. In response to "How Many?" I was amazed
when my entry of 30,000 was coolly accepted. However,
the program crashed out on the 51st entry with a
subscript error - sloppy programming again!
The program was littered with other loopholes
and deficiencies.