Computer Gamer

Kung Fu Master

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: U. S. Gold
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer Gamer #12

Kung Fu Master

Kung Fu Master is a licensed version of the arcade game of the same name that was in the arcades about a year ago.

The basic plan is to work your way through the temple to rescue the maiden to whom you are betrothed. On the way, many baddies try to stop you by throwing various things at you or by ganging up and crushing you to death.

The fighting action is a bit simpler than most fighting games that I have seen for a while, and this is a point to its advantage.

The original coin-op game had a bad plot and an even worse gameplay. But it was saved through its good graphics and its (then) original game idea. Unfortunately, the computer version of this has reasonable graphics, is no longer original but still suffers from an awful gameplay plot, and is thoroughy boring.

If you are a martial arts fanatic then this game may be of some interest - though you would have to be a real fanatic.

Other Reviews Of Kung Fu Master For The Commodore 64/128

Kung Fu Master (US Gold/Datasoft)
A review

Kung-Fu Master (Imagine)
A review by S. J. (Pressmakarna Mediabyra Ab)

Kung Fu Master (US Gold/Data East)
A review by Chris Anderson (Commodore User)