Personal Computer Games

Kosmic Kanga

Categories: Review: Software
Author: BW
Publisher: Micromania
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Personal Computer Games #10

Kosmic Kanga

A kangaroo... from space? Surely not. Rut there it was, bouncing around the moon in search of its spaceship.

Kanga sets out from the Earth and has to bounce his way from screen to screen to journey to the moon. You bounce automatically and can jump higher or lower and backwards or forwards.

Kanga starts at an airport and must get across it as it scrolls from right to left. On the way he can pick up bonus points by passing through bags, bottles and other airport paraphernalia. These can be on the ground, on the tops of buildings or suspended in the air on floating platforms.

Kosmic Kanga

Meanwhile bombs, ambulances and aircraft must be avoided since they can interrupt him in mid-hop, costing a life in the process. The bombs must be carefully watched for since they can appear on platforms in place of bonus items.

Most obstacles can be dealt with by firing boxing gloves at them. However, bombs can't be 'knocked out' like this. If Kanga manages to survive his airport ordeal then he can proceed to Further screens. These screens all follow the same pattern as the first but the other characters are changed.

Every third screen is a platform screen where the usual opposition have been replaced by a bouncing ball which is just as lethal.

If Kanga can get through the desert, ocean and other earthly hazards he'll eventually reach the moon and his spaceship.

Like Poo-Yan, another game with a surreal scenario. I don't think it'll lead to a flood of imitations but as a one-off it's a very enjoyable game.


Other Reviews Of Kosmic Kanga For The Spectrum 48K

Kosmic Kanga (Micromania)
A review by (Crash)

Kosmic Kanga (Micromania)
A review by John Lambert (Sinclair User)

Kosmic Kanga (Micromania)
A review

Other Spectrum 48K Game Reviews By BW

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  • Athlete Front Cover
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  • Advance to Mayfair Front Cover
    Advance to Mayfair
  • The Bulge Front Cover
    The Bulge
  • The War Of The Worlds Front Cover
    The War Of The Worlds
  • Ugh! Front Cover

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