Knockout is an electronic version of shove-halfpenny, with all the
good features of the original game, but played on a course which
doubles back on itself.
The clear instructions ask for the names of up to four players,
and the crooked bowling alley which is the course then appears.
The players each have four balls which they play in turn,
trying to leave them in the marked areas for the maximum score.
Like shove-halfpenny, balls already played may be hit to change
their scores or pushed off the course.
A prompt appears to tell you when it's your turn, and you set
up the starting position, direction and strength of throw.
The ball then hurtles down the course, bouncing and scattering
other balls with great realism.
Four balls each player makes a frame, and up to nine frames a
game. The score, ball and frame numbers are displayed during
play and after each frame.
This is an excellent game, simple but very good fun to play.