The Micro User

Kingdom Of Hamil

Author: Mad Hatter
Publisher: Topologika
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in The Micro User 6.03

Updated re-release

I am pleased to see the re-release of several adventures that richly deserve the title "classic". Kingdom Of Hamil was first issued about four years ago, but has been virtually unobtainable for the past two.

Topologika presents its adventures in excellent packaging, and there's a helpful booklet by Peter (Philosopher's Quest) Killworth on how to play adventure games which will prove invaluable for beginners. A cleverly designed hint sheet works in conjunction with the Help feature on the disc.

If after all that you are still unable to proceed, write to Topologika enclosing a SAE and you will receive a personal reply.

Kingdom Of Hamil

You will find dire warning about attempting to copy the original disc but get clear step-by-step instructions on preparing a disc to play from.

"Hamil is a land of sorcery and romance, a place of strange but loyal beings, of immense fountains, with a castle and a museum full of bizarre antiquities which only the king can put to use..." runs the opening, and the game does not disappoint.

To put you in the picture: You are the true, but dispossessed king. Once kidnapped in infancy, you now set about to reclaim your throne.

Kingdom Of Hamil

The opening descriptions are in elegant prose which is a delight to read, together with a clear hint that you should start by exploring the chapel rather than attempting to do outside.

It reads: "You are at the western end of a primitive stone chapel. Light streams in through the windows which are set high above your reach in the entirely featureless walls of the building. A plain arch leads northwards to the world outside which, as you know from experience, is extremely hostile." Anyone who tries to go north after that is just plain daft.

The parser has been updated from the original release to permit the input of the TAKE EVERYTHING variety, together with exceptions and exclusions. EXAMINE is redundant, since the location descriptions contain all the information that an adventurer needs.

The first puzzle - how to leave the chapel - is straightforward, and the next teaser involves a little decoding to obtain the password to enter the next chaining puzzle which also involves a vampire.

As is to be expected from here on the complexity escalates with the first maze mainfesting itself to the thunderous noise of rock slides. I am not a noted fan of mazes, but the one here which contains the hungry T. Rex certainly kept my adrenalin flowing.

Making a careful map of this game is essential, and you can expect to expire frequently at various points in your quest. Luckily there is a Save facility.

I was delighted to see this package and recommend it unreservedly. Master owners please note that it is compatible.

Mad Hatter

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