The movement in this game is so smooth you won't need your air sickness pills before take-off.
The action takes place in a giant underground cavern through which you pilot a spacecraft. The cavern extends across about seven screen widths and the sideways scrolling of the picture is
achieved without the slightest hint of a flicker. Quite superb.
Your mission is to destroy twelve lightbulbs. Yes, lightbulbs! They make a lovely ping when you hit them.
The monsters are strange, as well. There are wonderful leaping whales which look suspiciously like dolphins and are so lifelike you feel guilty shooting them. Then there are mechanical birds which have a comical flying method but lay deadly green eggs.
On higher levels you'll have to cope with running ducks, and vicious, bouncing snowballs. But you have the option of arming yourself with shields which allow you several otherwise-fatal contacts. The shields even let you fly straight through the cavern's thinner walls if you're feeling reckless.
Control of the spacecraft takes some practice because once you start it moving in one direction, it'll keep moving until you apply thrust in the opposite direction. But this, and the smoothness of movement, give the game an amazingly realistic feel.
It also offers you just the right playing options. There's an easy level which you'll need for practice. You can turn off the accompanying music - a slightly wonky rendering of Bach's B minor fugue. And the choice of control keys for non-joystick users is very sensible.
At the same time, there is enough challenge at the higher levels to keep you occupied for a long time. Believe me, this game will "run" and "run".