Keystone Kapers

Publisher: Activision
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Computer & Video Games #25

Keystone Kapers

Stop thief! The whistle blows and Kelly the cop goes into action in this Cops 'n Robbers game for the Atari VCS.

You play Kelly the Keystone Cop whose one aim in life is to stop Flash Harry Hooligan getting away with the loot. Kelly is responsible for all three floors of a department store and Flash Harry leads him on a mad chase through the building.

Various obstacles are placed in Kelly's path, including bouncing beach balls, low flying bi-planes and rampant shopping trolleys, all of which our energetic cop has to avoid.

Keystone Kapers

The more robbers Kelly catches the faster the game becomes. Shopping trolleys and planes whizzing towards the cop in convoys and at alarming speeds. The beach balls also bounce much higher and Kelly has to do some frantic leaping and dodging.

Kelly has three lives to each game and a time limit of 50 seconds to catch each robber.

Keystone Kapers is available from Activision for the atari VCS at £27.95.

An easy game to get into... but will the magic last?