Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: J.G.W.
Publisher: Compusoft
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Home Computing Weekly #55

Do you want single keyword entry for your Beeb? Then this might be what you need, once it has been de-bugged. The idea is to provide six separate sets of keyword definitions to fit into the function keys.

Drawbacks are that part of the screen is lost and 2K is taken. This is where the major bug lurks. To fit in all the key definitions, memory is set aside, on a cassette-based system, from PAGE upwards, resulting in PAGE being reset to &1600. The result is that the program tries to assemble the definitions in the middle of itself!

The program is in Basic and the only instructions are in REMs. These are not always useful, particularly as the program seems to have been renumbered and the REMs do not always refer to the correct line. I found an unused line which points to the program being rushed out. The disc version seems problem-free. But it was still quicker to type in the keyword.

Useful and good value - once debugged.


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