
Categories: Game Help

Author: Dave E
Published in EUG #68

This adventure is available across many computer formats and I can'ttake the credit for solving all of the puzzles. However there are manysubtle differences (and a few big ones!) from machine-to-machine. Fortunately, the BBC and Electron versions are exactly the same. The best advice I can give in following this solution is take great care with the AZAP CODEs - type in any code wrong and it's curtains for you! Also the game has a RAM save option executed by QSAVE and QLOAD. Use it!

You begin this adventure strapped to a conveyor belt. BREAK theBANDS holding you then go U and U again. PULL the LEVER here to stop the robots. Now go D and EXAMINE the MACHINERY. You will find some tape.GET the TAPE and go N and GET the FUSE. Now go E and E then EXAMINE the CHAIR. A knob, you say?

TURN the KNOB and some gloves will appear. GET the GLOVES and WEARTHEM before going S. EXAMINE the CABINET in this room and you will beable to GET a CANISTER. Now, OPEN the TAPE. It will begin to dissolve,but the gloves will protect you from death. PUT the TAPE ON the CANISTERand it will dissolve it to leave Dexta, Serta and Masta. GET ALL of these and go W. INSERT the SERTA and OPEN the first APERTURE. You willpass through. Now EXAMINE the APERTURE and note the code ('ROO'). Go Uand EXAMINE the second APERTURE for another code ('DHT'). OPEN IT thenEXAMINE the CONTROLS. You'll find another code ('ELY').

Go D and entering AZAP CODE ELY will teleport you. From this new location, go U and OPEN the PYXIS. Type YES at the "Are you sure?" promptand two lenses will fall out. GET the LENSES then GO ELEVATOR. EXAMINEthe elevator PANEL to discover there are three floors within the complexand PRESS M2 to visit the top one. LEAVE. REMOVE the SERTA from yourdata slot so you can TALK WITH YAGMOK. (He doesn't converse with you ifyou don't!)

The riddle he gives you is rubbish and his first sentence is the answer to the problem. Simply ASK YAGMOG FOR KEY. (Doh!) Now GET the KEY(It's also a badge!) and GO ELEVATOR again. PRESS G to get to the groundfloor then LEAVE, DROP the LENSES and GO ELEVATOR again. PRESS M2 to getback to where you were and LEAVE. Now you can go N and GET the PYRAMID.

Go S and GO ELEVATOR, PRESS G and LEAVE all over again. Now DROP thePYRAMID too. Go S and DROP the MASTA. INSERT DEXTA into the slot then goS again and GO ZYMOGG. The Dexta will sheild you from the beams!

Go S yet again and GET the QNUTS. Now go N and NW - answer the promptYES - and N before EXAMINEing the EARTH. Wowee, a likkle nodule plant! GET the NODULE and go N, W, D, E and GO TUNNEL. Your way will be barredso FIRE PLASMA to blow away the obstruction! Go E and EXAMINE the SHELVES to find a suit. GET the SUIT and WEAR IT. Also GET the BAR thengo D to find a skimmer. ENTER the SKIMMER and EXAMINE IT to find it'smissing a fuse. That one you found right at the beginning, no less - soINSERT FUSE IN SKIMMER at once and render it operational. Leave it for awhile though and go U and GET the CUBE. Come back D and now BOARD theSKIMMER and RIDE IT over to Yagmok's island. (If you don't get there, WAIT 5 or WAIT 10 then RIDE SKIMMER again until you do!)

On the isle, go SW and E then EXAMINE the RUBBLE to uncover a hatch.WEAR BADGE then OPEN the HATCH. Go D it and GIVE the QNUTS TO DRIBBLE who will slobber at you in gratitude! Go D and D again then go E andDROP the NODULE. Go E and GET the COAT. EXAMINE the QUARTERS to find another code ('EPO') before going W. RIDE the HOOP to make it throughsafely then go U, U, W and NE so you can BOARD the SKIMMER again. RIDEIT back (WAITing if the tide's in before trying again!) then go U, W, D,W, U, E and D. EXAMINE the ASH and you will find a ball!

GET the BALL and go U, S, S, W, SE and W. GET the MANUAL here, READIT (for a hint about the tree-puzzle) then DROP IT. Go E and GO ARCHWAYbefore going N. REMOVE the SUIT and DROP IT then WEAR the COAT instead.It will glow. REMOVE the DEXTA and GET the MASTA and INSERT IT. GO intothe DOME - Masta protecting your passage - and GO PLATE and it will descend. Now go D, SW and S to a pool. EXAMINE the POOL to find a cutterand GET CUTTER.

REMOVE the MASTA now and DROP IT. INSERT the SERTA and you can GET the ORE. Go U and U then GO PLATE again. Now go E and PLACE the ORE INthe CHUTE. Nothing will happen until you PRESS the BUTTON then a tubewill fall out. GET the TUBE then continue W, SW and N. GET the LENSES now and go N, N, NE, N and E. You are confronted by Mokki-Ray. SPIN theBAR to get rid of it and go E and U. WEAR the LENSES before venturingfurther.

FLIP KNOT. You will be asked "Are you sure?" and reply YES. The doorwill fly open but provided you are wearing the lenses, you will be protected from the light. GET the TABLET and the light will vanish. REMOVEthe LENSES and DROP THEM. Now EXAMINE the TABLET for the code 'AKN' anda cryptic message spurring you to BREAK the TABLET. There's a rod inside so GET ROD before going D, W, SW, S and S.

GET the PYRAMID again and GO ELEVATOR. PRESS M1 and LEAVE. Go D andtype AZAP CODE AKN to teleport. Now go U, SE and E. WHIRL the ROD to dispel the Zemps then go S, W and GO SOCLE. Inside of it, DROP PYRAMIDAND CUBE then go E, GET the DIME, go back W, GO SCOLE and DROP the RODto complete the magic three. The socle will be lowered. Go D and GET MORTAR AND POD. Now go U again, GO SOCLE and go E, N, E, NW and D. Type AZAP CODE ELY to teleport again.

GO U and GO ELEVATOR. Inside, PRESS G and LEAVE. Go S and S and GOZYMOGG before going S a third time. GIVE DIME TO BROZNAK and he willlead you through a secret door! Inside here, go E and GET BOTTLE thenback W. Go N, N and W and EXAMINE the DEBRIS to discover Yurek, your other self! DROP the DEXTA to free up inventory space then GET YUREK and DROP YUREK to wake him up. GET the DEXTA before you forget it andGIVE POD TO YUREK. Now you need to REMOVE the SERTA cartridge, DROP ITand INSERT the DEXTA one before you GET YUREK again!

Walk E and GO ARCHWAY. He will be protected by the pod. Go N and Nthen GO ELEVATOR. PRESS M1 and LEAVE. Now go D and type AZAP CODE EPO.

Go U and FIRE PLASMA to blast away the blocakge. Go D and type AZAP CODE ELY.

Go U and GO ELEVATOR again. This time, PRESS M2 then LEAVE. Go Wand EXAMINE the DOME. It's hollow! PUT TUBE IN INDENTation then PUTYUREK IN INDENTation. Don't worry as the game are beingtransported into your old self! Now, GET BOTTLE, BALL AND MORTAR and goE. GO ELEVATOR, PRESS M1 and LEAVE. Go D and type AZAP CODE EPO.

Go U, S and - Whoa! You've been captured by a plant! Go D and D thenPUT BALL IN HOLE. A technician will appear. TALK TECHNICIAN and he willdrop a bulb. GET the BULB and then go N and D. Type AZAP CODE ELY thengo U. GO ELEVATOR, PRESS G and LEAVE. Now go S, S and E.

POUR WATER ON COMPOST then PLANT BULB IN COMPOST. It will turn intoa flower but don't take it. Instead, WAIT 10 and WAIT (so wait elevenmoves in total) and the flower will run to seed. GET the SEEDS and DROPSEEDS IN MORTAR. The two will make Tae Essence, a very potent poison!

Now go back W, N and N and GO ELEVATOR. PRESS M1 and LEAVE. Now goD and type AZAP CODE DHT.

Go U and rearrange all of the separate codes backwards to spell OPENKAYLETH DOOR. After you've typed this, you are one move from completingthe whole game.

To kill Kayleth, you must type THROW ESSENCE IN POOL. Anything elsewill kill you too...and you wouldn't want to miss the 'spectacular' congratulatory screen, would you?

Dave E