Big K


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Talent
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #10


Desert life must be pretty short on fun if, as this game would have us believe, Kalah has wasted more time in desert countries than any other pursuit. It is a very simple board game involving moving counters around a set of two rows of pits with two larger pits at the end.

The objective is to force your opponent into a position in which he cannot make a move or to collect over half the counters in your end pit. Talent Computer Systems have spent so much time on the trimmings - excellent graphics and music, that they have lost sight of the objective, which is to produce an enjoyable and addictive game.

Talent's Kalah is a sheep in wolf's clothing. Chess has depth that is lacking in Kalah.

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Kalah (Talent)
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