Eight good educationally-sound programs from an unpretentious company whose aim is to provide programs to reinforce the child's school work. Essentially these programs do so admirably.
It would be impossible to describe all eight, so I will just mention their titles - all are aptly named! They are Draw, Homophones, Subtract, Flower, Tables, Comprehension, Romans and Spelling. Flower needs a special mention as this is very nearly a teaching program in its own right.
Most programs follow the same format of building up a picture on screen and animating it at the end if enough correct answers were made.
Presentation is very good, the graphics are excellent, colour and sound are well used, and all programs loaded first time.
Two of the programs can be tailored to suit the teacher/parents' own requirements. Comprehension and Spell both let you create your own sentence/word databases.
The tape is supplied with a six-page booklet which contains clear notes on each program.
A valuable and useful pack for both school and home.