The basic idea is simple and well executed, with the child - and
parent - being welcomed by Clever Clogs asking their name.
A real or silly animal is chosen, which will be hidden behind a
rectangle of 18 x 19 question marks.
Correct responses to questions make C.C. smile and some
question marks disappear revealing the animal.
Wrong answers cause him to grimace and parts of the picture to
black out.
Eventually the computer says "Well done" and exposes the
animal and the Safari Game starts.
A truck is driven to a tent, missing trees and entering the first
letters of animals that momentarily flash up stopping the truck.
"The child that shines is the one whose parents take *time* to support
classwork work" states the insert to this program, that will only be
as useful as the quantity and quality of parental input.
So it is a shameful omission, on an otherwise useful aid, that it is
impossible to alter the questions in the way stated.
"Press p for play" only appears at the start - it has to be
reloaded to make alterations!