ZX Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: CRL
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in ZX Computing #21


It seems that the computer software industry is using its ingenuity and inventiveness to break away from the flight simulator mould at the moment. CRL's program puts you in charge of collecting goods in a large lorry from various points around a town.

If you have ever owned and enjoyed playing with one of those remote or radio controlled cars or lorries then you'll love this program. Unlike the usual simulator, the screen has the control and status indicators at the top and, even more unusually, the action screen is not the expected view from the cab, but a bird's eye view of the lorry and the immediate surroundings.

As in all good simulations there are many levels of difficulty, from practice of simple manoeuvres to the full-blown exercise of a day's workload.


These options are well graded and the easiest can be mastered fairly quickly. The final level is as complex as any self respecting fan of these games could wish and I wouldn't foresee it being mastered too quickly! My first full game ended in three minutes when I jacknifed the lorry trying to get it into the loading bay.

The instructions are well set out and the on-screen options are chosen by the now almost compulsory icon selection system. The graphics are simple but well designed and pleasing, giving information effectively and not adding confusion to the proceedings.

An unusual simulation which is worth having in your games collection.

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