An excellent suite of programs for four to 13 year olds which
combines entertainment with spatial learning.
The tape is well packaged, has good instructions and gives four
excellent pictures and five levels of difficulty. Each picture
takes seven minutes to build, before being split into a number of
blocks which the program then jumbles. The player than has to
rearrange them in their correct positions. The pieces are moved
round the screen by pressing the appropriate letters of the two
pieces to be transposed.
When the picture has been correctly assembled, a tune plays
and time taken and number of moves is displayed.
Unfortunately, level of play cannot be altered without reloading
the picture but this will be less of a problem with a group of
children than with an individual. Also, the four pictures are
identical to those used by the same company for its Sliding Block
Puzzle tape.
A good but limited educational game, more suited for a group than
an individual.