Big K

It's Only Rock 'N Roll

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: K-Tel
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #5

It's Only Rock 'N Roll

So ya wanna be a rockstar? Step right this way, but be careful. The music biz is full of sharks and the public is fickle.

A while ago, K-tel came up with a game, on the Spectrum, which gives you the opportunity of stardom. Now it's on C64 - a wise move.

The game takes the form of multiple choice questions on the action you might wish to take. Options like going on a tour, choosing a manager, etc, are presented on the screen and you have to decide on the best course of action for your group.

If you decide to write a song the computer takes on the task for you. It has to be said that computers are not great composers. Lines like "Do you want a wimp, dooh wop a bop dooh" are hardly Lennon & McCartney stuff.

Playing a concert or going on a tour gives you the chance to view highlights with music. Again the aural battering that can result is likely to make you go into retirement but, as I said, computers lack imagination in a big way.