ZX Computing

Instant Spectrum Programming

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Patrick Cain
Publisher: Interface
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in ZX Computing #10

Instant Spectrum Programming

There can be no such things as 'instant programming'. But if there was, there would be no better person to prepare such a package than Tim Hartnell. Another of many books on Sinclair machines, Mr. Hartnell has put together a kit consisting of a one hour cassette tape and accompanying book, that will go a long way to help user gain elementary programming skills. And after that, a selection of 30 games, utility and graphics programs.

The tape is novel, but effective. It is clearly defined and well produced, and introduces the listener to each of the machine's eys, their functions, and with short programs highlights how they can be implemented. The dialogue and listings of those programs are included in the reader. The combination of both results in an effective and quick programming aid. It is regrettable that the program listing, dumped from ZX printer to ensure accuracy, are often indistinct and detract from a good overall idea.

Published by Interface, Instant Spectrum Programming is 124 pages of reasonable games and detailed elementary programming steps complemented by an excellent C60 instruction tape. It is written by Tim Hartnell and costs £4.95. ISBN 0 907563 22 8

Patrick Cain