Total Game Boy

Inspector Gadget

Publisher: Light & Shadow
Machine: Game Boy Color

Published in Total Game Boy Issue 14

Derbederbeder... Derderderderder da-da!

Inspector Gadget

Apparently, supervillain Dr Claw is breeding man-eating cacti at a secret island factory, so it's that bionic bobby Inspector Gadget's job to stop anyone becoming plant food!

Go Go Game Boy!

The game is a standard platformer, but with great graphics. All of the environments are detailed and pretty gorgeous, and the central characters are fantastically well animated. To succeed in Inspector Gadget, you must use all three characters' special skills. The Inspector is the strongest, a mallet flying out of his hat to strike his foes; Penny is the computer whizz, who can swim underwater and is handy or solving puzzles at the end of each level, and Brain is the most useful character, as he is able to leap great distances.

Leap Gadget!

However, there are problems. There seem to be loads of blind leaps of faith needed which, when they go wrong - and in later levels, that happens a lot - are extremely annoying. Another problem is collision detection. For most attacks, you're practically lining the sprites up with a set square to get a smack in. The game is pretty tough, but only because of irritating level design, not gameplay. Still, at least it isn't based on the film, eh?


Inspector Gadget: Operation Madkactus

Graphics 100%
Neato cartoon fun!

Sound 80%
If you like the theme...

Playability 80%
More to it than other platformers.

Lastability 100%
A rollocking adventure.

Overall 72%
Anything's better than the movie!