Amstrad Action

Inspector Hecti At The Interchange

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Hi-Tec
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Amstrad Action #74

Insector Hecti In The Inter Change

Let's take a trip back through time, to an age when Liz Taylor could fit through front doors, Neil Kinnock had some hair, and people boasted about owning 16K Spectrums. There was, at that time on ZX81, Speccy, Vic 20 (ask your history teacher) et al, a plethora of games like Insector Hecti. Maze games where you had to hare around trying to avoid the baddies whilst trying to move bits of the maze around.

That's exactly what you have to do in Insector Hecti. Well, if that's all there is to it, why not give it 3% and throw it in the bin then? Why not? Firstly, because pre-historic games like Maziacs and Mazogs had an addictive quality and feeling of genuine fear about them sadly lacking in most of today's corporate product. Secondly, because Hi-Tec has done such a darned good job of the whole thing.

The game still has all the feel of its 1982 roots, but with superb colourful graphics and a massive fifty levels to play through (with passwords every five). A game that will truly have your nerves on edge. And if you've never played any of its predecessors, probably the most original thing on the shelves. Buy! (Won't work on Plus machines, unfortunately.)


Arcade-blasting junkies will laugh in disagreement, but this is simply brilliant.

Other Reviews Of Insector Hecti In The Inter Change For The Amstrad CPC464

Inspector Hecti In The Inter-Change (Hi-Tec)
A review by Vic Barnes (Amstrad Computer User)