Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Mindscape International Inc
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Computer & Video Games #41

Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom

Jet Set Jones? Well, almost. This new import from the US features the biggest box office hero this side of Ghostbusters - Indiana Jones - in a platform game which owes a lot to the Manic Miner and his pals. Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom is a platform game with a few frills - like the two player option and the six levels of play.

Our hero has to find his way around the many perils of the Lost Kingdom in order to find a priceless lost artifact. He has to solve a puzzle on each of the six screens in order to move onto the next screen and get closer to his goal - and you have to help him.

There are no rules supplied with the game - you simply have to act as Indy would in the same situation. Or so it says in the blurb that goes along with the game.

Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom

And solving those puzzles isn't easy. You have to do certain things in a certain way or a certain order before you get to the next screen. It can get quite frustrating.

There are assorted monsters and odd hazards to make life more difficult too.

The graphics are OK but not brilliant and the sound could be better.

Overall, a bit of a disappointing game given that it's based on the exploits of such a superhero as Indiana Jones.

Other Reviews Of Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom For The Commodore 64

Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom
A review by Bob Chappell (Personal Computer News)

Indiana Jones In The Lost Kingdom (US Gold)
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