31st December 2011Categories: Game Help
Author: Jacob Gunness
Published in EUG #74
In Search Of Atahaulpa is a two-part game with nice descriptions and a nice ambience. The introductions to each part are important as they tell you what you need to do. The how, of course, is trickier. A nice combination of easy as well as challenging puzzles. You begin in a Spanish village. You need to EXAMINE and/or SEARCH most locations. All objects you find are necessary, some more than once. There is a limited number of moves in several crucial locations, and loitering will get you killed. As with his first game, Anthony Lee has created a very playable game. There are no red herrings.
Part One
Location Details | Commands |
In the plaza | N |
In the plaza Independencia | UP |
On a raised platform | EXAMINE PLATFORM (You find a trumpet), GET TRUMPET, EXAMINE TRUMPET ("Shiny"), DOWN |
In the plaza Independencia | E |
In a dark narrow street | EXAMINE STREET (You find an arrowhead), GET ARROWHEAD, EXAMINE ARROWHEAD ("Sharp!"), ENTER |
In a dark arched doorway | EXAMINE ARCH (You find a shovel), GET SHOVEL, LEAVE |
In a dark narrow street | E |
At the end of the street | READ SIGN ("Biblio"), ENTER |
In a library | E |
Where books of various sizes fill the shelves | EXAMINE SHELVES ("Apart from the works of Hemingway and Dickens, you find nothing of interest."), W |
In a library | WAIT (Keep WAITing until "an Ecuadorean woman wearing a head scarf arrives and hands the librarian a book"), EXAMINE DESK (You find a book), EXAMINE BOOK ('Five Weeks In A Balloon' by Jules Verne), LEAVE |
At the end of the street | W |
In a dark narrow street | W |
In the plaza Independencia | S |
In the plaza | S |
Outside a bar of peasants | ENTER |
Inside a smoky bar of drunken peasants | "A swarthy looking stranger, whose face is partly hidden by a cloak, is here!" EXAMINE BAR, GET CANE, LEAVE |
Outside a bar of peasants | E |
On the outskirts of Quito | E |
By an iron gate | GIVE BOOK (to Terry O'Neil. He says 'Oh, so you're the person from the Society. My balloon will take you over the Andes to Cajamarca. By the way, only pull the rip line in an emergency.'), S |
In a field | EXAMINE BALLOON ("The basket of the balloon is moored to the ground with ropes."), CUT ROPES ("You sever the ropes with the arrowhead"), JUMP ("Just before the balloon is out of reach, you jump and struggle into the basket") |
In the wooden basket | EXAMINE BASKET (You find some sandbags), GET ROPES, MAKE SPEAR ("Using the ropes, you tie the arrowhead to the cane, making an effective spear."), GET SANDBAGS, THROW SANDBAGS ("As you throw out the sandbags, the balloon climbs to a higher altitude.") You will see "an immense condor, with a ten foor wing span, lazily circling overhead". THROW SPEAR ("The spear hits the condor which soars away on immense silent wings"), THROW SANDBAGS ("As you throw out the sandbags, the balloon climbs to a higher altitude."), PULL VALVE ("Gas seeps from the balloon and a plane passes safely overhead."), THROW SANDBAGS ("The balloon skims over the icy cap of the mountains below") You will now be told "the balloon is caught in a trade wind which blows it towards a mountain". PULL RIP ("Instantly, all the hydrogen from the balloon is released and you fall safely onto an ice cap.") |
In the battered basket | PULL VALVE ("A length of rope falls at your feet."), GET ROPE, LEAVE ("The basket is blown off the cap.") |
In a terrific blizzard | DOWN |
On ground covered in snow drifts | DIG (You will create a hole in the snow), ENTER |
In a hole hollowed out of the snow | SLEEP ("During your sleep the blizzard stops."), LEAVE |
On ground covered in snow drifts | DOWN |
On a desolate mountain slope | DOWN |
By a narrow crevice | SHOUT ("You can hear a rumbling noise above you"), ENTER CREVICE |
In a narrow crevice | WAIT, W |
By a arrow crevice | "An avalanche has recently taken place, as mounds of snow cover the ground." GET AXE, ENTER CREVICE |
In a narrow crevice | E |
By a deep crevasse in the ice | TIE ROPE (to the pick axe), WEDGE AXE (into the rock - "You strike the rock with the pick axe which wedges in deep"), CLIMB DOWN ("As you descend, the rope breaks") |
On a rocky ledge on a mountain | JUMP |
On a path winding through the mountains | DOWN |
On a path in the mountains | DOWN |
Outside the city of Cajamarca | N |
In the town plaza | N |
In the plaza | PLAY TRUMPET ("The trumpet emitts a pleasing sound"), GET SOLS, EXAMINE SOLS ("Coins of small denomination"), W |
In a narrow street | S |
In a narrow street | W |
In a narrow street | S |
In a narrow street | E |
In a narrow street | S |
In a narrow street | E |
In a narrow street | N |
In a narrow street | E |
By an iron gate | (You see a beggar) EXAMINE BEGGAR ("He looks bedraggled and poor and his raised hands are cupped towards you."), GIVE SOLS ("'Thanks senor,' says the beggar, who jumps up with surprisingly youthful agility.), EXAMINE GATE ("The gate has a rusty broken chain."), GET CHAIN, N |
In the small chapel yard | E |
On a soily path around the old stone chapel | S |
In the flowerbed | DIG (You find a bone), GET BONE, N |
On a soily path around the old stone chapel | W |
In the small chapel yard | UP |
In the crumbling stone porch | ENTER ("The door is locked"), DOWN |
In the small chapel yard | S |
By an iron gate | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In the plaza | N |
Outside the ancient stone ruins | N |
Tall pillars of ancient stone surround you | WAIT if needed until "a large elusive dog amiably trots past, sniffs at the ruins and disappears", E |
By a wall of crumbling rock | DROP BONE, WAIT until "a large elusive dog amiably trots past, and stops to chew at the bone", CHAIN DOG ("The dog is following you."), W |
Tall pillars of ancient stone surround you | S |
Outside the ancient stone ruins | S |
In the plaza | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W "A swarthy-looking stranger, whose face is partly hidden by a cloak, is here!" UNCHAIN DOG "The dog sees the stranger and chases after him, barking amiably! ENTER |
In a dimly lit hallway | W |
In a tidy lounge | EXAMINE MANTLEPIECE (You will find a key), GET KEY, E |
In a dimly lit hallway | N |
In a bedroom | S |
In a dimly lit hallway | LEAVE |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In the plaza | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
By an iron gate | N |
In the small chapel yard | UP |
In the crumbling stone porch of the old chapel | UNLOCK DOOR, ENTER |
At the back of the chapel | N |
By a confession box | ENTER |
In the confession box | KNEEL |
Kneeling on the velvet cushion | EXAMINE TABLE (You see a rosary), GET ROSARY, STAND, LEAVE |
By a confession box | N |
On the altar | S |
By a confession box | S |
At the back of the chapel | LEAVE |
In the crumbling stone porch of the old chapel | DOWN |
In the small chapel yard | S |
By an iron gate | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | S |
In a narrow cobbled street | W |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In a narrow cobbled street | N |
In a narrow cobbled street | E |
In the plaza | S |
In the town plaza | S |
Outside the city of Cajamarca | UP |
On a path in the mountains | UP |
On a path winding through the mountains | UP |
Outside a monastery | KNOCK DOOR ("The door opens and a monk appears. 'Who are you seeking?' he asks."), SAY DON PEDRO ("'Come in,' the monk says.") |
Inside the monastery | N |
In a prayer room | EXAMINE WHEEL ("Inside is a roll of parchment with one hundred prayers written on it."), SPIN WHEEL ("You offer up 100 prayers"), E |
At the top of a narrow staircase | DOWN |
In a dark room | EXAMINE DON PEDRO ("His face is hidden by a habit and he is praying silently."), GIVE ROSARY. 'I've been waiting for you. What took you so long? I have a jeep ready to take us into the forest tonight.' Part I completed. Code=Edoc |
Part Two
You and Don Pedro leave the monastery and head to the rainforest. He tells you the statue is hidden in a series of underground passages leading to a chamber, built in honour of Viracochoa. The entrance to the passage is on the other side of the Amazon. (Enter your code).
Location Details | Commands |
EDOC | |
In the jeep | TALK TO DON PEDRO ("He says he'll meet you back here, once you have recovered the statue"), EXAMINE JEEP (You find a shovel and a machete), GET SHOVEL, GET MACHETE, LEAVE |
At the edge of the rainforest | W ("The jeep disappears into the forest.") |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
On a stretch of grassland | (You see an anaconda) EXAMINE ANACONDA ("Hungry"), CUT GRASS, GET GRASS, S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
On a trail with prints | ("A peccary lumbers past, snorts at you and charges into the bushes.") S |
On a soft and spongy trail | DIG HOLE |
On a soft and spongy trail | COVER HOLE (with the grass), N |
On a trail with prints | E |
Walking through the rainforest | WAIT, W |
On a trail with prints | S |
On a soft and spongy trail | EXAMINE HOLE ("A peccary has fallen into the hole"), KILL PECCARY ("You slit the peccary's throat and it ceases squealing"), GET PECCARY, N |
On a trail with prints | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
On a stretch of grassland | DROP PECCARY ("The anaconda seizes the peccary in its elastic jaws and, after digesting it, slithers off into the forest."), N |
Outside a cabin | ENTER CABIN ("The door is jammed"), EXAMINE WINDOW ("Glass"), BREAK WINDOW, ENTER WINDOW |
Inside the cabin | EXAMINE BUNK (You see a sheet), GET SHEET, EXAMINE SHELF (You see a mirror and a torch), GET MIRROR, GET TORCH, EXAMINE TORCH ("The torch is made of wood"), EXAMINE FLOOR (You find a metal box), GET BOX, EXAMINE BOX ("The box is locked"), LEAVE |
Outside a cabin | S |
On a stretch of grassland | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
On a trail with prints | S |
On a soft and spongy trail | S |
On a trail made by denizens of the forest | S The headhunters have never seen a white man before and are amazed at the colour of your skin. They think you are a god and they order you to perform magic GIVE MIRROR They gasp at the clear reflection of themselves in the mirror, which is passed from indian to indian. You are accepted as a god and now honoured here W |
Outside a straw tambaran | ENTER TAMBARAN |
In the tambaran | EXAMINE HEADS (You see an axe), GET AXE, EXAMINE AXE ("The axe is made of a skull tied to a short handle."), LEAVE |
Outside a straw tambaran | E |
On the outskirts of a village | N |
On a trail made by denizens of the forest | N |
On a soft and spongy trail | N |
On a trail with prints | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
You can see the face of an indian watching you from the bushes. The indian recognises you as the god from his village and offers a greeting | W |
By a balsa tree | CLIMB TREE |
Straddled on a branch | EXAMINE BRANCH (You see a vine), EXAMINE VINE ("Long"), GET VINE, DOWN |
By a balsa tree | N |
By a calm river | SMASH LOCK (on the box), EXAMINE BOX (You see tinder and string), DROP BOX, DROP VINE, DROP SHOVEL, DROP MACHETE, DROP AXE, DROP TORCH, DROP SHEET, S |
By a balsa tree | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
On a stretch of grassland | N |
Outside a cabin | CLIMB CABIN |
On the slanting roof of the cabin | EXAMINE ROOF (You see some logs), GET LOGS, DOWN |
Outside a cabin | S |
On a stretch of grassland | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | N |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
By a balsa tree | N |
By a calm river | DROP LOGS, GET VINE, TIE LOGS ("Using the vine, you tie the logs together to make a raft"), GET MACHETE, GET TORCH, GET SHEET, GET TINDER, GET STRING, BOARD RAFT ("You are carried across to the far side") |
On the banks of the Amazon | UNTIE VINE, GET VINE, S |
On a grassy turf | N |
On the banks of the Amazon | W |
At the beginning of a trail | W |
By a large ceiba | S |
By a cinchona tree | CLIMB |
Straddled on a branch of the cinchona tree | SHAKE BRANCH ("Vigorously you shake the branch, knocking the howler monkey off!"), EXAMINE BRANCH (You see a twig), SNAP TWIG, GET TWIG, EXAMINE TWIG ("Long"), DOWN |
By a cinchona tree | N |
By a large ceiba | N |
In a cool retreat | You see the skeleton of a tapir writhing with ants. COVER ARM (with the sheet), EXAMINE SKELETON ("You find a bone"), S |
By a large ceiba | REMOVE SHEET, DROP SHEET, E |
At the beginning of a trail | E |
On the banks of the Amazon | S |
On a grassy turf | MAKE ROD ("Using the long twig, bone hook and string you make a fishing rod."), CAST LINE, WAIT There is a pull on the line. Something is firmly hooked onto the bone. REEL LINE You draw up a writhing three foot long electric eel which falls off the hook and squirms on the riverbank. CAST LINE, WAIT There is a pull on the line. A paiche has swallowed the bait. REEL LINE You draw up a large paiche GET PAICE, EXAMINE PAICE ("Large fleshy fish"), DROP ROD, N |
On the banks of the Amazon | W |
At the beginning of a trail | S |
On a narrow trail | S |
On a trail | E |
At the entrance to a dark cave | DROP PAICE, W |
On a trail | A large black panther emerges from the cave, scoops up the paiche into its jaws and disappears through the tall grass E |
At the entrance to a dark cave | ENTER CAVE |
In a dark cave | GET FLINT, N |
At the entrance to a dark cave | W |
On a trail | N |
On a narrow trail | N |
At the beginning of a trail | W |
By a large ceiba | S |
By a cinchona tree | S |
In a clearing | EXAMINE CLEARING (You see a hole), DOWN |
In a dark narrow passage | MAKE FIRE (using the tender, flint and steel blade), LIGHT TORCH, N |
In the narrow passage | N |
In a low-roofed passage | E Something drops onto your back. A hairy tarantula is crawling all over you! STAND STILL You stand perfectly still whilst the tarantula crawls down your leg and off your body. Phew! That was a close one! N |
At the end of the passage | You see a bronze figure over the entrance to a chamber. MAKE LASSO, THROW LASSO ("The lasso settles around the figure"), SWING ("The lasso snaps as you reach the other side of the chasm"), N |
In a large chamber of ancient stone | UP |
On a stone altar | EXAMINE STATUE ("The Inca statue is in the image of Atahaulpa and is made of pure gold"), READ INSCRIPTION ("Translated into English, it reads 'Woe to all who disturbs Atahaulpa'"), GET STATUE, N |
At the far end of the altar | PUSH PILLAR (The entire altar disappears revealing the entrance to a passage), ENTER PASSAGE |
In a secret passageway | EXAMINE WALL ("A block protrudes from the stone wall"), PUSH BLOCK ("The block slides into the wall, causing the pillar to move back into place, sealing the entrance to the chamber"), N |
In a draughty passageway | N |
At the end of the passage | LOOK UP ("A panel of corrugated metal covers a hole in the roof of the passage"), PUSH PANEL, UP |
On a stretch of grassland | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | W |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | S |
Walking through the rainforest | E |
At the edge of the rainforest | You will see the jeep ENTER JEEP 'Yahhhooooooo!' shouts Don Pedro, holding the statue up in the air. Atahaulpa glints in the sunlight. Congratulations - you have solved the adventure! |
You win!