This is a typical haunted-house adventure game in which you have to traverse 60 rooms on
four floors to reach a maiden with an hour to live.
The display is a sequence of 3D rooms, all the same except for the number of doors and the
occasional staircase.
Labels show the room's inhabitant and items to pick up, and the name of the room and the
progress of the chance encounters appear as text in a panel at the bottom.
Text messages tell you the results of your input and, then, perhaps, the room changes. A
nice touch is a one-hour clock in a corner of the display.
I found both copies very difficult to load and the system of matching strings to give
instructions is slow and error-prone.
The repeated display becomes very dull and you are invited to keep a note of your strength,
which drops with moves and goes up or down with encounters. Why not display it? This is a
pretty ordinary game.