Stop. Taking your driving test? Now there is a program to test your ability and help you learn.
Highway Code is made up of five sections each containing approximately 30 questions on motorways, signs giving positive orders, warning signs, general signs and negative order signs.
Each question has multi-choice answers some of which are very amusing, together with clear colour graphics of the road signs.
To gain access to each set of headings you must keep reloading the tape and stopping. Unfortunately, the program can be unfriendly at times as it does not always instruct you where to stop.
The second side of the tape contains a demonstration with questions on the traffic light sequence and a demonstration only of the procedure at a level crossing.
Highway Code is produced by Learning Systems to 'complement the HMSO booklet The Highway Code', and I suggest you treat it as such.
The tape is instructive for experienced drivers and learners alike, but it is not as comprehensive a guide to the highway code as the HMSO version.