Blast Annual


Author: Brian Matherne
Publisher: Timothy Marsh
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Blast Annual 2020 Volume 1


Capture the money while avoiding the Police and laser defenses. Once the money is in your possession a door will open. You still need to make it out of the bank to clear the level. All of this must be done before time runs out.

Some levels are easier than others and the time is adjusted accordingly. Note that the police will not notice you until you are in their general proximity or you have taken the money. Once you capture the money all police become aware of your presence and they move with an increased sense of urgency. You will score 1000 points per green dollar sign ($) captured. There are a total of 20 levels using 10 playfields. Each playfield is displayed twice. The second time through you are given less time and the police move faster.

If you complete all twenty levels you will flip the game and have the chance to play through them again. This time, however, the police will move faster and you will be limited to four bullets. There are other game variants including three lives with unlimited time and bullets, three lives with unlimited time/no bullets or one life with limited time and bullets.

Brian Matherne

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