At the outset of this review I must state that I am not an
experienced adventure player. On the other hand, Haunted House is
ideally suited to novices and it has stimulated my interest. The
game lacks the sophistication of the Quest series but has the added
attraction of a picture for each room. These pictures are not very
elaborate but in the main are effective to help you feel your way
around the house and gardens. They give you more of a sense of
adventure than words alone.
There are about fifty rooms and external areas, and about twenty
verbs. There seem to be plenty of objects but they always occur
in the same spots as far as I can tell. However, cracking the
solution (i.e. getting rid of the ghost) is a task that so far I
have failed on.
Haunted House folows the traditional style of adventures and is an
ideal introduction to adventuring, with enough enigmas to battle
the newcomer for quite some time. I am certainly looking forward
to trying out my supernatural skills once more.
R. Bartlett