Roderick Hero is a bit of a send up of some of those heroes in American comics. It appears that
volcanic activity has trapped some miners in the mineshafts of Mount Leone. Just what they are
mining isn't made clear, it probably isn't relevant to the game anyway.
Like other miner games I have seen, there are different hazards on different levels. Unlike the
other games, you begin each level with six sticks of dynamite, and, of course, the ubiquitous
micro laser beam.
Again as in other similar games, you have a power/energy guage which diminishes as you plumb
the depths.
Apparently there are spiders, shaft bats, miner moths and nesting snakes, some of which I
encountered on my travels.
The scoring is reasonably straightforward, with the highest marks, one thousand, scored
when you rescue each miner. Of course, you can't progress to a lower level if you haven't
rescued the miner on your level.
It seems that there is a special message if you score one million, Ye Gods! The graphics are
nothing to write home about, although the movement is smooth.