Guy In The Hat

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Blue Ribbon
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Computer & Video Games #50

Guy In The Hat

This game reminded me of Blue Ribbon's Banana Man, which was a weaker version of the same idea.

You are the Guy in the Hat, and you stay alive by eating biscuits and dodging Bickie Bashers. When you eat a biscuit, the hexagon it was in changes colour. Bashers can't enter these hexagons, and if you do, you vapourize.

It's more difficult to play than Banana Man, which is an improvement, and the enemies are much more fun - and harder to avoid. You can also fight back by dropping your hat and changing a hexagon to white - do it when a Basher is in the hexagon and you bash him for lots of points.

There are more controls that usual for this type of game - in addition to up left, down left, up right and down right, you can also move left and right, hit space to drop your hat and 'hyperleap' by pressing return.

Blue Ribbon seems to acknowledge the limitations of the idea behind the game. Like Banana Man, a second game Secret Sam 2 is provided on the back of the cassette.

Other Reviews Of Guy In The Hat Secret Sam 2 For The BBC Model B

Guy In The Hat/Secret Sam 2 (Blue Ribbon)
A review by D.A. (Home Computing Weekly)