A&B Computing

Graphics For Children On The BBC Computer

Publisher: Sigma Technical Press
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in A&B Computing 2.08

Graphics For Children On The BBC Computer

Graphics For Children On The BBC Computer by Gwyneth Pettit, published by Sigma for £6.95 also contains its fair share of maths. It is however squarely aimed at the youngster or beginner to computer graphics. I am not aware of an Electron version but all the programs and explanation are equally relevant to it.

The initial parts of the book cover general ground, explanation of computer terms and hardware. The graphics control available on the BBC and Electron is gently introduced amongst a large number of simple procedural routines which serve to retain interest amongst the explanatory text.

PLOT, VDU and GCOL all get the treatment with explanation of the 16 colour palette and the way in which it can be manipulated by the Operating System and by use of logical operators. As well as the fun examples, there is a look at putting graphics to work in business (although it should be stressed that not only business benefits from the clarity of computer graphics). The most ambitious section looks at Computer Aided Drawing, and implements a demonstration program.

Graphics are a popular subject and, now that their real value is being recognised, will feature more and more prominently in the world. This book is a nice gentle introduction with a good balance between enjoyment and learning.