These programs are described as a cheap entry into computer
aided design. This is quite a task and how well did they fare?
First, an outline of the series. Grafkey is a keyboard-driven
graphic generator program. It allows to draw lines, rectangles,
triangles and circles on screen. These can be lined or filled in
up to eight colours plus eight flashing colours.
The resultant pictures can be saved to tape quite quickly, in
about 20 seconds.
One nice facility is the Rubber Banding mode, in which up to
four points can be stretched about the screen.
Grafstick is similar in function to Grafkey, but is driven by
a joystick.
Grafdisk combines both programs, and has the advantage of
faster save and load facilities - about two seconds faster!
The instructions supplied were quite detailed and easy to
follow. The programs all failed however to exploit the full
capability of the BBC graphic commands, though with the
disc program, Clares promise an upgradable on-going
My main criticism is that you can't dump a screen to a
printer; this sort of program is of little use without that
Secondly, hitting the Break key by accident was always fatal,
as "olding" resulting in "Bad program" and a loss of hours of