
Publisher: CBS Electronics
Machine: Coleco Vision Games System

Published in Computer & Video Games #28


If you fancy yourself as a real space ace then Gorf will give you the tank you truly deserve.

This home conversion of Bally's arcade game offers four separate shoot-'em-up challenges and then awards a rank depending on your performance.

The first wave is Space Invaders with the addition of a force field. You have to blast gaps in the crescent-shaped force field to enable you to pick off the Invaders as they advance down screen.


Stage Two is called Laser Attack and introduces a particularly vicious formation of aliens who buzz around the screen shooting long snaking beams of laser fire.

Laser Attack will have you wrenching and pulling on your joystick but together things still lie ahead in Space Warp.

In this level the aliens spiral out towards you corkscrew fashion. As they approach, they get larger and will collide with your ship unless you can get them in your sights and blast them.

The fourth and final challenge is the Flag Ship. This is the Gorf's home base moving back and forth across the top of the screen. The force field is back in position so you will have to shoot a clearing in this and then make sveral direct hits on the ship before finishing it off.

Your mission is now complete, and you receive your rank. I managed to attain the rank of Space Colonel - which wasn't bad considering I started out in life as a lowly Space Cadet.

If you think Gorf may enable you to become a hero overnight then forget it, because each time you complete one mission you get given a new, tougher one!

To attain a really high rank, you will have to do battle with faster, more numerous aliens with heavier firepower. Another cloning of a well known arcade game. Available now at £29.95 from Colecovision.

If you liked the arcade game, you'll like the home version too.