1st January 1990
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: U. S. Gold
Machine: Commodore 64/128
Published in Zzap #57
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
After one of the most spectacular rescues in C64 history, the insanely brave Arthur is determined to marry his rescued damsel, the curiously named Princess Hus. But no sooner than he and the beautiful princess arrive at the local register office, a demon appears and swipes her again! After not a little cussing, Arthur dons that famous armour suit, grabs a clutch of lances and sprints back into action.
The challenge this time dwarfs his previous achievement - the supremely sadistic god Capcom has seen to that. Familiar, scythe-wielding ghouls introduce Art to the haunted house and graveyard where he started his last quest. Newly revamped for our hero's revisit, the graveyard has giant vultures, guillotines, tornado-like demons, and skull-spitting fires. As before, some of these baddies carry sacks containing
This is one mean game. I seemed to spend most of my time shivering in my underwear while running from one demon or another. While level one starts off a little like the original, it soon changes - running up the mountains sees the screen smoothly scrolling upwards as well as across, and the nasty flames and whirlwind monsters have obviously been offered big bonuses to fry old Art.
The actual graphics aren't immediately impressive - the lack of sheen on the armour is partcularly missed. But the more you play, the more you become aware of the fine detailing on the creatures - especially the buzzards - which rewards the observant. Level two's earthquake city has some great crumbling windmills, and the end-of-level monsters are impressive.
The soundtrack, and FX, are simply out of this world with some beautifully produced music urging you on.
The crash of thunder, the effect when you're turned into a duck or collect a weapon - they're all great. The best part of the game, however, is simply the gameplay.
Each level plays differently, and quick thinking is needed to survive for long on any of them. In short, a highly rewarding mega-challenge to keep you occupied for ages. Buy it now!
Software Creations have pulled it off again! Yes, the programmers of Bionic Commando and LED Storm have once more excelled themselves with this brilliant conversion.
The first thing that impresses is the amazing music: it's so varied with some of the best tunes I've ever heard on the C64 - music man Tim Follin is a genius. The sound effects are equally impressive with a superb thunderstorm effect at the beginning.
Admittedly the graphics aren't quite as stunning to start with, although they get better on later levels. What's most important, though, is gameplay, and this is where Ghouls 'N Ghosts emulates the coin-op to near perfection. All the levels are here plus all the incredibly varied action - it's tough but so playable.
Ghouls is a masterpiece of a conversion - now who says they don't make 'em like they used to?!
I remember this one in the arcades and I simply adored it; the further you progressed the wilder it all became and the more outrageously beautiful the graphics. On a lesser scale, the same applies here, with the nicely done first level leading through to a stunning second level, spooky third and so on - all with a wonderful sense of humour.
I thought Ghosts 'N Goblins was a vicious game but Ghouls is well on par with lethal tricks and traps popping up with every step, the nastiest of creatures to meet, and far too few lives to lose for my liking (even with continue plays).
Whereas Software Creations could have forgotten about the gameplay and concentrated solely on getting the graphics of the coin-op across they haven't: they've put a wonderful amount of detail into both sides of it, resulting in a game that plays like a dream (a hard dream, if that's the right expression!).
In music terms, I thought I'd heard it all with Bionic Commando and following that L.E.D. Storm, but now my ears are delighted by technically brilliant and sonically marvellous tunes. The title tune is unbelievably atmospheric with sound effects of the highest quality (the rain at the start of the tune and the scream halfway really do send shivers down the spine! Incredible!). And this just one month after the brilliance of Turbo OutRun!!!!!
Presentation 94%
Brill loading screen, FX only option and vital continue-plays.
Graphics 94%
Excellent attention to detail becomes more and more apparent as you play.
Sound 98%
A completely amazing title tune, medieval high score tunelet, a wonderful variety of spot FX, and great in-game tune.
Hookability 96%
The imaginative sadism of Capcom and Software Creations provides an irresistible challenge...
Lastability 97%
...and while no-one's going to find it easy, the amazing variety will keep you trying to get that much further.
Overall 96%
An incredibly well-designed game gets the superbrill Software Creations C64 treatment.