Gumboot Software


Author: David Doohan
Publisher: Ipswich Software Factory
Machine: Colour Genie

Published in Chewing Gum 8402

Geniepede is another name for the arcade game Centipede and it follows its arcade relation fairly well.

You are in control of an exterminator and your task is to destroy certain nasties which wish to destroy your food supply. The meanies include the dreaded "Geniepede" which winds its way down from the top of the screen and a scorpion which moves horizontally across the screen dropping skulls which give you a decent points score when hit. Other problems include a spider which bounces up and down in the very near vicinity of your exterminator.

There is also a bug which lays down more fungi. The graphics, whilst being only one character in size, are clear and fairly colourful. The sound is nothing exciting but then you hardly notice it whilst concentrating on the game.

Full instructions are given on-screen including a high score table. An extra life is awarded for every 10,000 points scored and it is this that will keep an experienced player going for a very long time. I have been playing arcade games for a long time and on my first effort I scored over 50,000 before breaking off for my lunch with still four exterminators left and no sign of defeat! For the beginner this may hold the interest for a while but once mastered, six-figure scores should be of little difficulty.

All in all then it is a good representation of the arcade game but it does not have either the difficulty or attraction to keep someone occupied for as long as, say, A10 Bomber.

David Doohan

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