
Author: Ed Lomas
Publisher: Philips
Machine: PC (MS-DOS)

Published in Computer & Video Games #176


This game is apparently the third most downloaded demo from the Internet, after Quake and Duke Nukem 3D. It's a strange puzzle/strategy/action game for Windows featuring lots of toys.

The idea is to select four types of toys from a choice of twelve and beat your opponent by getting more of your toys over their side than they get over yours. You do this by winding each toy up one by one, selecting where to launch them, and setting them off.

Each toy has its weaknesses and strengths - some scare others, some are fast, some slow - and it's all quite good fun when you get used to it. It's maybe a bit too simple for some people to want to buy, but the simple, addictive gameplay can grow on your very quickly.

The sad part is, it's just not worth £30.

Ed Lomas

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